Code of Conduct

By nature of being enrolled as a student at LAHS, you agree to accept and follow all school board and LAHS policies as stated in the Code of Conduct.

All students are expected to behave in a manner appropriate to a high school age student while on campus and/or while participating in any school sponsored activities. Students are expected to carefully consider their choices and to be prepared to accept the consequences of their decisions. Students are expected to:

Students are expected to behave in an appropriate manner that does not interfere with the rights of others, does not interfere with the educational process, and does not create an unsafe environment. These include, but are not limited to, the following prohibited acts:

Disruption of the Educational Process or any act of misconduct shall be subject to the discretionary action by appropriate school personnel. Consequences for violation of a prohibited act may include but are not limited to any of the following: a verbal warning, loss of access to a particular area or to certain activities or a class, an out-of-school suspension, lunch detention, clean-up, restitution and/or a fine. In situations involving a violation of municipal, state or federal statute, police will be notified and a report will be filed.

Two or more of the same violations of the code of conduct may result in a suspension to a long term suspension (LTS) or expulsion hearing.

ANY of the above infractions that occur during the last two weeks of school may have consequences that are completed during the following school year.

NOTE: The following prohibited acts are considered “non-negotiable” and WILL result in an out-of-school suspension, which MAY lead to a hearing with the superintendent, and MAY result in an out-of-school long term suspension (LTS) or expulsion. In situations involving a violation of municipal, state or federal statute, police will be notified and a report will be filed.