Corporate bylaws are a written agreement that establishes the rules governing how your corporation will function. Although Michigan corporations are required to create bylaws , your bylaws do not have to be filed with the state. Creating solid bylaws is a crucial step towards ensuring the success of your business, which is why we provide a free corporate bylaws template drafted by our team of legal experts.
A good set of corporate bylaws outline the policies and procedures for running your business. Some common topics covered in a good set of bylaws include:
Most importantly, by adopting bylaws early in your business formation, you help prevent lapses in communication and misunderstandings that can hurt your business and professional relationships.
The bylaws you draft can be adopted by either your incorporators or your board of directors. Typically the motion to adopt bylaws happens during the corporation’s first organizational meeting. Make sure all the parties involved in adopting the bylaws receive a copy. It’s also a good idea to keep a copy of the signed bylaws with your attorney, accountant, or banker.
Corporate bylaws don’t just make you look official—they are official. Once drafted and adopted by the corporation, the bylaws provide a legal document of understanding for anyone entering into the business—from potential investors to future partners or directors.
In the event you are sued, properly constructed bylaws can help further establish your corporation’s limited liability status. Also, if a corporate director, officer, or employee is found guilty of violating the bylaws, they can be held legally accountable.
The bylaws are also recognized as legal documents by banks and landlords. Investors will often scrutinize your bylaws to make sure you are serious about protecting your business before entering into a professional relationship. You’ll want to make sure your bylaws are clearly written, and you’ve covered all the pertinent topics. By using our free template, you can rest assured that you’ve covered all your bases.