You must file an annual registration for your LLC with the Secretary of State every year.
If you own an LLC, every year it is in business you must file an annual registration with the Secretary of State's Georgia Corporations Division. The annual deadline is April 1, unless you already filed for the current year via a multi-year registration. If you do not file an annual registration for your business or you fail to pay your fees, you might be subject to a civil suit or your LLC might be administratively dissolved or revoked by the SOS.
What you’ll need to file an annual registration for your LLC depends on whether (1) you need to make changes to your business information and (2) you are current on all your annual registration fees.
If you need to file an annual registration for your LLCYou can complete your annual registration in 1 of 3 ways. Remember, as mentioned in Step 1, the method you use will depend on whether (1) you need to make changes to your business information and (2) you’re current on all your annual registration fees.
Options to File Your Annual LLC RegistrationGeorgia Corporations Division
2 MLK Jr. Dr.
Suite 313, Floyd West Tower
Atlanta, GA 30334
If you completed the registration process online, you should receive an email with your updated registration and a receipt of payment. If you filed by mail, your updated registration and receipt of payment will be mailed to the address you provided on your annual registration form; it should arrive within 3 to 4 weeks of your submission date. If you do not receive your registration or payment confirmation, follow up with the SOS’s Georgia Corporations Division.