Florida Court Forms

Legal Forms and Documents Preparation Services for the Self Represented Litigant in Florida

Florida Court Forms' mission is to provide the self-represented litigant the tools and resources they need to successfully represent themselves in court.

We have many pages of legal information, fillable court forms, e-book guides, and form packets too.

Florida Court Forms' mission is to provide the self-represented litigant the tools and resources they need to successfully represent themselves in court.

We have many pages of legal information, fillable court forms, e-book guides, and form packets too.

We provide you with tools and information that will help you represent yourself in most common legal matters.

We are not lawyers and we do not provide legal advice of any kind. The content provided here is for informational purposes only, intended to assist Pro Se litigants in Florida, and any commentary is just this writer's personal opinion.

This is FREE legal information, and not FREE legal advice. Please read our important disclosure for more details.

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Type in the name of the form or the legal topic you are looking for in the search box below.

About Florida Court Forms

We started out as a small document preparation agency in Volusia county in 2008. In short order, we saw the need for our self represented customers to educate themselves about the legal process and the availability of forms and procedures in Florida courts.

Over time, this website has taken on a life of its own. We have visitors from all over the United States and the world, especially from our deployed heroes overseas. Florida Court Forms is now an extremely valuable self help (Pro Se) legal resource statewide.

We have compiled lots of current legal information categorized by easily recognizable subjects to ease your search and your self education efforts about Florida law and legal forms.

There are free forms, including divorce, child support, and other family law forms. You'll also find form instructions, court procedures, and other valuable legal information; all for the self-represented (Pro-Se) Floridian.

Unlike the national nonlawyer legal sites, as our name implies, Florida Court Forms is focused on Florida's legal system. All in one place, easy to understand, and all Florida.

Knowledge is Power

Whether you decide to go with legal representation or not, you will have knowledge and resources to benefit you and your family now, and for years to come.

Don't let our simple name fool you. The Florida Court Forms website exists to benefit the Florida citizen, from cradle to grave.

We'd love to have your feedback and strongly encourage you to post questions to the staff. What you have to say might help someone else. So pay it forward, and leave us your suggestions, information, and support.

Spread the word, the knowledge, and the power to others. Thank you for visiting and enjoy our site.

Legal Documents Preparation Services

Your legal documents ready to file at a price you can afford!

Our Petition Preparer Service can have all your documents professionally prepared after a brief interview with our experienced Legal Document Specialists.

Your court papers will be in your hands and ready to file in as little as three days! We guarantee our work. Just ask us for a quote.