Get started with online tools

Jump start your resume preparation and job/internship search.

Career Coaching

Professional athletes need coaching, and so do engineers. Meet with a career coach to develop your career action plan and hone your skills. We offer professional preparation on an array of topics such as career decision-making, resume preparation and evaluation, application/cover letters, internship and job search strategies, interview preparation and coaching, salary negotiation, networking tips, career fair strategies, review of graduate school statements and more. Schedule an appointment via Handshake.

Jobs and Internships

Handshake– Connect with local and national internships and jobs by creating a profile, uploading your resume and using customization features to create a job search agent. Additionally, you can sign up for campus interviews, view company information session schedules, register for career and internship fairs, research industries and prospective employers, and much more.

On-Site Presentations
If your student organization, team or class is interested in a customized presentation to address your collective interest and perspective, please contact us as: 480-965-2966.

Career Center News on Inner Circle